Overseas Publications
United States
The Canterbury Tales. Rand McNally, 1985. 05288 26735
The Legend of King Arthur and the Round Table, illustrated by Nick Williams, engineering by Vic Duppa-Whyte and Damian Johnston. Bonanza Pop-up 1987. 05176 2592X
Saint George and the Dragon. Doubleday, 1989. 03852 6528X
My First Space Pop-up Book. Little Simon, 1990. 18513 60190.
My First Earth Pop-up Book. Little Simon, 1990. 18513 60182
The Snow Country Prince. Knopf, 1990. 06798 19657, re-issued Treasure Tower Books 2013.
Pack of Lies. Scholastic, 1991. 05904 36643
The Cherry Tree. Knopf, 1992. 06799 26690, re-issued Treasure Tower Books 2013.
The Princess and the Moon. Knopf, 1993. 06798 36209, re-issued Treasure Tower Books 2013
Greek Myths (Orchard Book of Greek Myths). McElderry, 1993. 06895 05833.
Over the Deep Blue Sea. Knopf, 1993. 06798 41849, re-issued Treasure Tower Books 2013
The Random House of Stories from the Ballet. Random House, 1995. 06798 7125X.
The Golden Hoard (Myths and Legends of the World). McElderry, 1996. 06898 07414.
The Silver Treasure (Myths and Legends of the World). McElderry, 1997. 06898 13228.
God's People. McElderry, 1997. 06898 1366X
The Bronze Cauldron (Myths and Legends of the World). McElderry, 1998. 06898 17584.
The Pirate's Son (Plundering Paradise). Scholastic Press, USA,1998. 05902 03444.
Moby Dick, illustrated by Victor Ambrus. Oxford University Press, (pbk.), 1998. 01927 4156X
The Story of the Nativity. Doubleday, 1998. 03853 26319.
Little Angel. Barnes & Noble, 1998. 07607 11259.
The Pirate’s Son (Plundering Paradise). Point Signature, Scholastic, 1999. 05902 03487.
Unicorns, Unicorns!. Holiday House, 1999. 08234 13195.
The Crystal Pool (Myths and Legends of the World). McElderry, 1999. 06898 22669.
God's Kingdom. McElderry, 1999. 06898 24882.
The Nutcracker. Oxford University Press, 1999. 01927 9969X
Stories from the Ballet. Prospero Books, (Chapters Inc.), 2000. 15526 70813.
Grandma Chickenlegs. Carolrhoda Books (Lerner Publishing), 2000. 15750 54159.
Always Elephant. Rigby Literacy, 2000. 07635 67086.
How The Reindeer Got Their Antlers. Holiday House, 2000. 08234 15627.
The Stones Are Hatching. Harper Collins, 2000. 00602 87659.
Beauty and the Beast. Carolrhoda Books (Lerner Publishing), 2000. 15750 54914
Little Angel. Prospero Books, (Chapters Inc.), 2000. 15526 7083X
Roman Myths (Orchard Book of Roman Myths). McElderry, 2001. 06898 38220.
Starry Tales. McElderry, 2001. 06898 30157.
The Stones Are Hatching. Harper Trophy (pbk), 2002. 00644 72183.
My Grandmother's Clock. Clarion Books, 2002. 06182 16952.
The Kite Rider. Harper Collins, 2002. 00662 38749.
Cat and Rat Fall Out. Rigby, 2002. 07578 1963X.
One Bright Penny. Viking, 2002. 06700 35882.
Casting the Gods Adrift. Illustrated by Patricia D Ludlow. Cricket Books, 2003. 0812 626842
Stop the Train. Harper Collins, 2003. 00605 07497
Treasury of Fairy Tales. Barnes & Noble, 2003. 07607 42685.
The Kite Rider. Harper Trophy (pbk), 2003. 00644 10919.
Gilgamesh, the Hero. Eerdmanns, 2003. 08028 52629
1001 Arabian Nights. Oxford University Press. U.S. Armed Services Edition, 2003.
Pilgrim's Progress. Overlook Press, 2005.15856 76381
Odysseus. Cricket Books, 2004. 08126 27210
Perseus. Cricket Books, 2005. 08126 27350
The Jesse Tree. Eerdmans. 2005. 08028 52882.
Not the End of the World. Harper Collins. 2005. 06007 60303.
Father and Son. Disney Hyperion, 2006. 978 14231 03448
Peter Pan in Scarlet. McElderry Children’s Books. 2006. 978 14169 18080.
The White Darkness. Harper Tempest. 2007. 978 00608 90393
Theseus. Cricket Books, 2007. 08126 27393.
Hercules. Cricket Books, 2007. 01826 27377.
Smile! Harper Collins. 2007. 978 03758 36404.
Cyrano. Harcourt. 2007. 978 01520 58050.
The White Darkness. Harper Teen (pbk). 2009. 978 00608 90355.
Smile! Yearling, (pbk). 2008. 978 04402 39529.
A Pack of Lies. Marshall Cavendish, 2009. 07614 55795
The Death-Defying Pepper Roux, Harper Collins, 2009. 978 00618 36657
The Glorious Adventures of the Sunshine Queen (Pull Out All the Stops!). Harper Collins, 2010. 00620 06064
The Nutcracker: A Magic Theater Book, illustrated by Kristina Swarner. Chronicle Books (CA) 2012. 978 14521 06694
Ancient Myths Collection. McElderry Books. 2018. 978 15344 27808
Afrikaans (South Africa)
Die Sneeulandprins (The Snow Country Prince). Kaapstad, Oxford University Press, 1991.
Die Kersieboom (The Cherry Tree). Kaapstad, Oxford University Press, 1991.
Effe Minder as die Engele (A Little Lower than the Angels). Kaapstad, Tafelberg, 1993.
Sobre el Profundo Mar Azul (Over the Deep Blue Sea). Buenos Aires, Pequeno Emece, 1998.
Una Idea Como Una Casa (Six Storey House). Buenos Aires, Alfaguara, 2004.
El Tripulante de Cometas (The Kite Rider). Buenos Aires, Editiones Santillana, 2005.
No Es El Fin Del Mundo (Not The End of the World), Buenos Aires, Editiones Santillana. 2006.
Peter Pan de Rojo Escarlata (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Buenos Aires, Editiones Santillana, 2006
Blue Moon Mountain. Mascot, NSW, Koala Books, 2006.
Pittipat’s Saucer of Moon, Hodder Children’s Books, 2013.
Basque (Spain)
Peter Pan eta Jaka Eskarlata (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Etxebarri, Zubia, 2006.
L'horloge de Grand-mere (My Grandmother's Clock). Bruxelles, Mijade, 2003.
Brazil (Portuguese)
O Quebra-Nozes e Outras Historias (part of Stories from the Ballet). Rio de Janeiro, Salamandra, 2001.
O Lago Dos Cisnes e Outras Historias (part of Stories from the Ballet). Rio de Janeiro, Salamandra, 2001
Romeu e Julieta e Outras Historias (part of Stories from the Ballet). Rio de Janeiro, Salamandra, 2001.
Odisseia (The Odyssey). Sao Paulo, Atica, 2003 & 2010.
Peter Pan Escarlate (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Rio de Janeiro, Salamandra. 2006.
Romeu e Julieta (Stories from Shakespeare). Sao Paulo, Martins Fontes, 2006.
Hamlet, (Stories from Shakespeare). Sao Paulo, Martins Fontes, 2006.
Moby Dick. Sao Paulo, Atica. 2006.
Hércules (Hercules). Sao Paulo, Editors Atica, 2007.
(Myths and Legends of the World). Plovdiv, Hermes, 2000.
(Peter Pan in Scarlet). Adelphi, 2008.
The Jesse Tree. Toronto, Novalis.2005.
Peter Pan in Scarlet. Toronto, Oxford University Press, 2006.
The Orchard Book of Stories from the Ballet. Toronto, Chapter, 1998
Little Angel. Toronto, Chapter, 1999.
Catalan (Spain)
Nochebueno (Little Angel). Barcelona, Editorial Juventud, 1998.
Perseu i la gorgona Medusa (Perseus and the Gorgon Medusa). Barcelona, Editiorial Cruilla, 2001.
Els dotze treballs d'Hercules (The Twelve Labours of Hercules). Barcelona, Editorial Cruilla, 2001.
Teseu i el Minotaure (Theseus and the Minotaur). Barcelona, Editorial Cruilla, 2001.
Persefone i les llavors de magrana (Persephone and the Pomegranate Seeds). Barcelona, Editorial Cruilla, 2001.
Dedal i Icar (Daedalus and Icarus). Barcelona, Editorial Cruilla, 2001.
El Cavall de Troia (The Wooden Horse). Barcelona, Editorial Cruilla, 2001.
Jason i el vello d'or (Jason and the Golden Fleece). Barcelona, Editorial Cruilla, 2001.
Les aventured'Ulisses (The Adventures of Odysseus). Barcelona, Editorial Cruilla, 2001.
Atena i l'olivera (Athena and the Olive Tree). Barcelona, Editorial Cruilla, 2002
Zeus i els Titans (Zeus Conquers the Titans). Barcelona, Editorial Cruilla, 2002.
Contes d'Amor I Amistat (Love and Friendship). Barcelona, Art Blome, 2002.
Hermes enreda els Deus (Hermes tricks the Gods). Barcelona, Editorial Cruilla, 2003.
Faetont I el carro Del sol (Phaeton and the Sun Chariot). Barcelona, Editorial Cruilla, 2003.
No És La Fi Del Món (Not the End of the World). Barcelona. Editorial Cruilla, 2005.
Peter Pan i la Levita Escarlata (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Barcelona, Grup Editorial Empuries. 2006.
Moby Dick. Barcelona, Vicens Vives. 2006.
La Foscor Blanca (The White Darkness). Barcelona, Editorial Cruilla. 2007
Peter Pan de Rojo Escarlata (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Santiago, Santillana. 2006.
小飞侠在红字 (Peter Pan in Scarlet.) Beijing, Juvenile & Children’s Publishing House. 2006.
鬼话 (A Pack of Lies) New Buds Publishing House. 2010.
Twelve Dancing Princesses (in English). Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 2013.
(Stop the Train) Changjiang Literature & Art Press 2015.
Angel Boy (A Little Lower Than The Angels). Changjiang Literature & Art Press, 2015.
希腊神话, (Greek Myths). Beijing Baby-Cube Children Brand Management, 2018.
(Where The World Ends). TB Publishing (Forthcoming)
Una Idea Como Una Casa (Six Storey House). Santafe de Bogata, Alfaguara, 2004.
El Tripulante de Cometas (The Kite Rider). Bogata, Alfaguara, 2005.
No Es El Fin Del Mundo (Not the End of the World). Bogata, Alfaguara, 2006.
Peter Pan de Rojo Escarlata (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Bogata, Alfaguara, 2006
Costa Rica
Peter Pan de Rojo Escarlata (Peter Pan in Scarlet). San Jose, Santillana, 2006.
Letač Zmaja (The Kite Rider). Zagreb, Profil International, 2003.
Petar Pan u Crimizu (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Zagreb, Magma d.d. 2006.
Czech Republic
Peter Pan v Sarlatovem Plasti (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Brno, Computer Press, 2006.
Mirakelmageren (A Little Lower than the Angels). Copenhagen, Tellerup, 1988.
Graeske Myter (Greek Myths). Copenhagen, Klematis, 1992.
Guldfeber (Gold Dust). Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1994.
Praesteson Blandt Pirater (Plundering Paradise). Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1997.
Moby Dick. Copenhagen, Forlaget Forum, 1998.
Skonheden og Udyret (Beauty and the Beast). Copenhagen, Agertoft Forlag, 1999.
Persefone og Granat Aeblekernerne (Persephone and the Pomegranate Seeds). Copenhagen, Forlaget Fremad, 1999.
Jason og det Gyldne Skind (Jason and the Golden Fleece). Copenhagen, Forlaget Fremad, 1999.
Herakles’ Tolv Arbejder (The Twelve Labours of Hercules). Copenhagen, Forlaget Fremad, 1999.
Odysseus’ Eventyr (The Adventures of Odysseus). Copenhagen, Forlaget Fremad, 1999.
Bedstemor Honsefod (Grandma Chickenlegs). Copenhagen, Agertofts Forlag, 1999.
Stenene klaekkes (The Stones are Hatching). Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 2000.
Perseus og Medusa (Perseus and the Gorgon Medusa). Copenhagen, Forlaget Fremad, 2000.
Theseus og Minotaurus (Theseus and the Minotaur). Copenhagen, Forlaget Fremad, 2000.
Den Trojanske Hest (The Wooden Horse). Copenhagen, Forlaget Fremad, 2000.
Daidalos Og Ikaros (Deadalus And Icarus). Copenhagen, Forgalet Fremad, 2000
Dragemageren (The Kite Rider). Copenhagen, Gyldendalske Boghandel, 2001.
Min Bedstemors Ur (My Grandmother's Clock). Copenhagen, Klematis, 2002.
Stands Toget (Stop the Train). Copenhagen, Gyldendalske Boghandel, 2002.
Peter Pan ser rødt (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Copenhagen, Forgalet Sesam. 2006.
Dominican Republic
Peter Pan de Rojo Escarlata (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Santo Domingo, Santillana. 2006.
Oliver Twist. (English Edition), Cairo, Elias Modern Publishing House, 2007
Peter Pan de Rojo Escarlata (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Quito, Santillana. 2006.
Peeter Paan Punases (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Tallinn, Varrak, 2006.
Christians Resa (A Pilgrims Progress). Helsinki, Fontana Media, 2002.
Mummin Kello (My Grandmother's Clock). Helsinki, Karisto Oy, 2003.
Juna Seis! (Stop The Train). Helsinki, Tammi, 2004.
Peter Pan Purppuran Lumoissa (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Helsinki, Werner Soderstrom. 2006.
Tuulien Testaaja (The Kite Rider). Helsinki, Tammi. 2006
Eid Mikaan Maailman-Loppu (Not the End of the World). Helsinki, Tammi, 2008.
Sadun Taikamaa (Oxford Treasury of Fairy Tales), Helsinki, Otava. 2011.
Le Prince des Neiges (The Snow Country Prince). Paris, Dragon d`Or, 1991.
Le Petit Ange (Little Angel). Paris, Bayard, 1997.
Les Chevaliers de la Table Ronde (King Arthur and the Round Table). Paris, Grund, l997.
Contes etoiles du monde entier (The Orchard Book of Starry Stories). Paris, Gautier Languereau, 1999.
Les Plus Belles Histoire d’Amour (The Orchard Book of Love and Friendship). Paris, Hachette (Gautier). 2000.
Il Etait une Fois dans L'Oklahoma (Stop The Train). Paris, Gallimard Jeunesse. 2003
Haoyou, Fils du Ceil (The Kite Rider). Paris, Gallimard Jeunesse. 2003.
Il Etait une Fois dans L'Oklahoma (Stop the Train) (pbk). Gallimard Jeunes, 2004.
L’horloge de Grand-mere (My Grandmother's Clock). Namur, Mijade. 2005.
La Fille de Noé (Not the End if the World). Paris, Gallimard, 2005.
La Maison a Cinq Etages (Six Storey House). Paris, Rageot. 2006.
L’habit Rouge de Peter Pan (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Paris, Editions Pocket. 2006.
Complot sur le Nil (Casting the Gods Adrift). Gallimard Jeunesse, 2006.
Blanches Tenèbres (The White Darkness). Paris, Bayard. 2010.
Casse-Noisette; Un livre Animé (The Nut-Cracker). Edition Grund, 2012
L’arbre de Jessé (The Jesse Tree). Valence, 2013.
Galicia (Spain)
Peter Pan e a Levita Escarlata (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Santiago de Compestela, Obradoiro. 2006.
Gabriel und der Meisterspieler (A Little Lower than the Angels). Kevelaer, Anrich, 1989 and Arena (pbk), 1992.
Der Prinz vom Schneeland (The Snow Country Prince). Stuttgart, Freies Geistesleben, 1991.
Lauter Lugen (A Pack of Lies). Hamburg, Dressler, 1991.
Der Kirschbaum Bluht Weider (The Cherry Tree). Stuttgart, Freies Geistesleben, 1992.
Die Schwanen Konigin (Stories from the Ballet). Munster, Coppenrath, 1996.
Das Volk des Regenbogens (God's People). Basel, Brunnen, 1998.
Der Sanger (Lovesong). Augsburg, Schneekluth, l998.
Das Grosse Fest (God's Kingdom). Basel, Brunnen, 1999.
Sternen-marchen aus aller Welt (Starry Tales). Stuttgart, Urachhaus, 1999.
Eine Ideale Frau (An Ideal Wife). Augsburg, Schneekluth, 2000.
Lauter Lugen (A Pack of Lies). Munich, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag Junior, 2000.
Die schönsten Balletgeschichten (Ballet Stories). Coppenwrath, 2000.
Buch von Liebe und Freundshaft (The Orchard Book of Love and Friendship). Hildesheim Gerstenberg Verlag, 2001.
Die Uhr Meiner Grossmutter (My Grandmother's Clock). Stuttgart, Verlag Freies Geistesleben, 2002.
Yuko und der Mondhase (The Princess and the Moon). Verlag Freies Geistesleben, 2002.
Eine Ideale Frau (An Ideal Wife). Bergisch Gladbach, Bastei Lubbe, 2002.
Der Drachenflieger (The Kite Rider). Weinheim Basel, Beltz Verlag, 2003.
Die Brut der Drachensteine (The Stones are Hatching). (pbk) Berlin, Verlagsgruppe Beltz, 2003
Stop The Train. Weinheim. Basel, Beltz Verlag, 2004.
Nicht das Ende der Welt (Not the End of the World). Munchen, Nagel & Kimche, 2005.
Piraten im Paradies (Plundering Paradise) Weinheim Basel, Beltz Verlag, 2005.
Peter Pan und der Rote Pirat (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Munchen, Random House, 2006.
Die Drachensteine (The Stones are Hatching). Munchen, Verlag Freies Geistesleben, 2007.
Finsternis Weisse (The White Darkness). Bertelsmann, 2007.
Der Drachenflieger (The Kite Rider). Beltz, 2007.
Peter Pan und der Rote Pirat (Peter Pan in Scarlet), (pbk). C B J, 2009.
Die Zertanzten Schuhe (Twelve Dancing Princesses) Mildenberger, 2013.
Ta podia twu aggelwu (A Little Lower Than the Angels) Αθηνα,Ekdoseis Kastaniwth 1992.
Istoriez Agaphz cai Riliaz (Love and Friendship). Αθηνα,Papdopoulos 2001.
Ο Αετοκαβαλρης (The Kite Rider). Αθηνα, Ψυχογιος. 2005.
20 Κλασικά Παςαμύθια (Oxford Treasury of Fairy Tales). Αθηνα, Εκδοςεις Πατακη, 2005.
Πειρατεία στου Παράδισο (Plundering Paradise). Αθηνα, Ερευνηές, 2005.
Δεη Ηρθε ΤοΤελος Του Κοςμου (Not the End of the World).Αθηνα, Ερευνηές, 2005.
Ο Πίτερ Παν ετα Πορφυρά (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Αθηνα, Ελληνικά. 2006.
O Mikros Aggelos (Little Angel). Αθηνα. Papadopoulos, 2007.
Λευκό Σκοτάδι (The White Darkness). Αθηνα, Ελληνικά, 2008.
Ιστορίες από το μπαλέτο (Stories from the Ballet) Αθηνα, Συγχρονη Εποχη. Forthcoming.
Peter Pan de Rojo Escarlata (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Santillana. 2006.
De Mirakel Spelers (A Little Lower than the Angels). Amsterdam, Wildeboer, 1987.
Allemaal Leugens (A Pack of Lies). Baarn, La Riviere & Voorhoeve, 1995.
Goud (Gold Dust). Rotterdam & Antwerp, de Vries Brouwers, 1996.
Kinderen van God (God's People). Baarn, Callenbach, 1997.
Sterrenverhalen uit alle Windstreken (Starry Tales). Zeist, Uitgeverij Christofoor, 1999.
Phelim en het steengbroed. (The Stones are Hatching). Haarlem, Gottmer and Becht, 2000.
Liefdesverhalen Uit Alle Windstreken (The Orchard Book of Love and Friendship). Zeist, Uitgeverij Christofoor. 2000.
Grootmoeders Klok (My Grandmother’s Clock). Zeist, Uitgeverij Christofoor, 2002.
Een schat aan Sprookjes (The Oxford Treasury of Fairy Tales) Zeist, Uitgeverij Christofoor, 2003.
Gilgamesj de Held (Gilgamesh). Zeist, Uitgeverij Christofoor, 2003
De Boom van Jesse (The Jesse Tree). Leuven, Katholeike Bijbelstichting, 2004.
Peter Pan en de Scharlaken Jas (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Illus. Ed. Amsterdam, Zirkoon, 2009.
(Peter Pan in Scarlet). Budapest, Cicero Konyvstudio. Forthcoming.
Pjod Guds (God's People), Reyjavik, Mal og Menning, 1997.
Riki Guds (God's Kingdom). Reykjavik, Mal og Menning, 1999.
Pangeran dari Negeri Salji (The Snow Country Prince). Jakarta, Indira, 1991.
Pohon Sakura (The Cherry Tree). Jakarta, Indira, 1991.
(Orchard Myths). Jakarta, PT Dian Rakyat. Forthcoming.
(The Adventures of Odysseus). Jakarta, P T Dian Rakyat. Forthcoming.
(Daedalus and Icarus). Jakarta, P T Dian Rakyat. Forthcoming.
(Jason and the Golden Fleece). P T Dian Rakyat. Forthcoming.
(Persephone and the Pomegranate Seeds). Jakarta, P T Dian Rakyat. Forthcoming.
(Perseus and the Gorgon). Jakarta, P T Dian Rakyat. Forthcoming.
(Theseus and the Minotaur). Jakarta, P T Dian Rakyat. Forthcoming.
(The Twelve Labours of Hercules. Jakarta, P T Dian Rakyat, Forthcoming.
(The Wooden Horse). Jakarta, P T Dian Rakyat. Forthcoming.
Peter Pan Berjubah Merah (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Atria, 2006.
Ayah dan anak (Father and Son). Ddstone Kids’ Publishing Co., 2008.
Kisah 1001 Malan (One Thousand and One Arabian Nights) PT Elex Media, 2008.
20 Dongeng Terbaik Sepanjang Masa (Oxford Book of Fairy Tales), PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2013.
الفيلة Tamburlaine لTamburlaine’s Elephants. 2011.
חבילה של שקרים (Pack of Lies). Tel Aviv, NOGA Publishing, 1994
פיטר פןבסקרלט (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Or Yehuda, Kinneret-Zmora. 2006.
םלדעה ףדס אל (Not the End of the World), Bnei-Brak, Poallim Publishing Group. 2007.
אָל א֤ר֤ץ הׇׇאַפׇד׀֗ת (The Oxford Treasury of Fairy Tales). Or Yehuda, Kinneret-Zmora, 2009.
עפיפון הרוכב (The Kite Rider). Or Yehuda, Kinneret-Zmora. Forthcoming.
Il Figlio Del Pirata (Plundering Paradise). Verona, Mondadori, 1997.
Il Cavallo di Troia (The Wooden Horse). Vereona, Mondadori, 1998.
Dedalo e Icaro (Daedalus and Icarus). Verona, Mondadori, 1998.
Le Fatiche di Ercole (The Twelve Labours of Hercules). Verona, Mondadori, 1998.
Teseo e il Minotauro (Theseus and the Minotaur). Verona, Mondadori, 1998.
Il Sole, il Cielo, gli Eroi (Miti e Leggende) (The Golden Hoard). Verona, Mondadori, 1998.
Giasone e il Vello D'Oro (Jason and the Golden Fleece). Verona, Mondadori, 1998.
Le Avventure di Ulisse (The Adventures of Odysseus). Verona, Mondadori, 1998
Il Rapimento di Persefone (Persephone and the Pomegranate Seeds). Verona, Mondadori, 1998.
Perseo e Medusa (Perseus and the Gorgon Medusa). Verona, Mondadori, 1998.
Storie dall Antico Testamento (God’s People). Verona, Mondadori, 2000.
Storie dal Nuovo Testamento (God’s Kingdom). Verona, Mondadori, 2000.
Storie D'Amore e D'Amicizia (Stories of Love and Friendship). Trieste, Edizioni EL, 2002.
L'orologio della Nonna (My Grandmother's Clock). Verona, Mondadori, 2003.
La Caduta Degli Dei (Casting The Gods Adrift). Milan, San Paolo, 2003.
Sotto Il Segno Giove (Roman Myths). Trieste, Edizioni EL, 2004.
Il Lago dei Cigni (Stories from the Ballet). Trieste, Edizioni EL, 2004.
Destinazione Florence (Stop the Train). Rome, Walt Disney, 2005.
Le Fiabe Pui Belle (Oxford Treasury of Fairy Tales). Rome, Giunti Publishing Group. 2005.
Peter Pan e la sfida al Pirata Rosso (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Milan, Mondadori, 2006.
Non Sarà la Fine del Mondo (Not the End of the World). Milan, Salani. 2007. P/B 2009
Le Fiabe Pui Belle (Oxford Treasury of Fairy Tales). Rome, Giunti. New Edition 2009.
Le Avventures di Ulisse (The Adventures of Ulysses) Milan, Mondadori 2014.
Alla Fine del Mondo (Where The World Ends), Milano, Mondadori, 2019.
リトルエンジェル (Little Angel) Bunked, 1996.
嘘のパック (A Pack of Lies). Tokyo, Kaisei-sha Publishing, 1998.
私の祖母の時計スト (My Grandmother's Clock) . Tokyo, Hyoron-sha, 2002.
ストーンズは、ハッチングされています (The Stones Are Hatching). Tokyo, Kaisei-sha Publishing. 2004.
スカーレットでピーターパン (Peter Pan in Scarlet), Shogakukan. 2006.
スマイル! (Smile!) Tokyo, Kaisei-sha Publishing, 2007
シェイクスピアの物語 (Stories from Shakespeare). Kaisei-sha Publishing, 2009.
ホワイト闇 (The White Darkness). Akane Shobo. (Published in two volumes) 2009
Tamburlaineの象 (Tamburlaine’s Elephants). Shogakukan, 2010.
ペッパールーを挑む死 (The Death Defying Pepper Roux). Kaisei-sha Publishing. 2012.
略奪パラダイス (Plundering Paradise). Tokyo, Kaisei-sha Publishing. 2013.
(Where The World Ends). Tokyo, Sogensha. (Forthcoming).
거짓말의 팩 (A Pack of Lies). Seoul, Jigyung Publishers. 2001
할머니의 시계 (My Grandmother's Clock). Seoul, Doonsan. 2002
로마 신화 (Orchard Book of Roman Myths). Seoul, MaruBol Publishing. 2004.
스칼렛 피터 팬 (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Seoul, Gimm & Young. 2006.
스칼렛 피터 팬 (Gilgamesh). Woongjin ThinkBig Publishing. 2006.
성탄절 이야기 (The Nativity Story). Seoul, Ddstone Kid’s Publishing, 2007.
여섯 스토리 하우스 (Six Storey House). Seoul, Munhakdongne.2008
부자 (Father and Son). Seoul, Ddstone Kids Publishing Co. 2008
제시 트리 (The Jesse Tree). Seoul, Salim Publishing, 2009.
순례자의 진행 (A Pilgrim’s Progress), Seoul, Munhakdongne. Forthcoming.
그리스어 신화 (Orchard Book of Greek Myths). Seoul, MaruBol Publishing. Forthcoming.
야기발레에서 이 (Orchard Stories from the Ballet). Seoul, Crayon House Ltd.
미녀와 야수 (Beauty and the Beast). Seoul, Loris Malaguzzi Publishers. Forthcoming
연 라이지더 (The Kite Rider). Gimm & Young Publishers. Forthcoming
기차를 중 (Stop the Train). Gimm & Young Publishers. Forthcoming
세계의 끝이 아니라 (Not the End of the World). Seoul, Mirae Media & Book Inc., 2011.
시라노 드 베르 주 라크 (Cyrano de Bergerac). Seoul, Munhakdongne. 2011
Patters Pens Purpursarkanos Svārkos (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Riga, Zvaigzne. 2009.
بيتر بان في القرمزي (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Beirut, Arab Scientific Publishers. 2008.
Пешар Пан во црвено (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Skopje. Vermilion. 2007
Una Sarta de Mentiras (A Pack of Lies). Mexico City, Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1992.
Polvo de Oro (Gold Dust). Mexico City, Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1995.
El Hijo del Pirata (Plundering Paradise). Mexico City, Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2000.
Una Sarta de Mentiras (A Pack of Lies). Mexico City, Fondo de Cultura Economica. 2003.
El Domador del Viento (The Kite Rider). Mexico City, Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2004.
Una Idea Como Una Casa (Six Storey House). Mexico City, Editorial Santillana, 2004.
Detengan el Tren (Stop the Train). Mexico City, Fondo de Cultura Economica. 2004.
El Tripulante de Cometes (The Kite Rider).Mexico City, Santillana, 2005.
No Es El Fin del Mundo (Not the End of the World). Mexico City, Editorial Santillana, 2006.
Peter Pan de Escarlata (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Mexico City, Editorial Santillana, 2006
Snore! (Smile!) Mexico City, Editiones Castillo. 2006
Oscuridad Blanca (The White Darkness). Mexico City, Fondo de Cultura Economica. 2007.
Eventyr Fra Balletan (Stories from the Ballet). Oslo, Cappelans, 1995.
Skjonnheten og Udyret (Beauty and the Beast). Oslo, Libretto Forlag, 1999.
Peter Pan i Rødt (Peter Pan in Scarlet), Oslo, Damm & Son, 2006. Audio from Lydbok Forlaget}
Julens fortelling (The Nativity Story). Oslo, IKO Forlaget, 2008.
Peter Pan de Rojo Escarlata (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Ascuncion, Santillana. 2006.
Peter Pan de Rojo Escarlata (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Lima, Santillana. 2006.
Kłamstwa (A Pack of Lies). Warsaw, Proszynski I S-SK SA, Forthcoming.
Piotrus Pan w czerwieni (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Krakow, Znak. 2006.
Historia Świętej Rodziny (The Nativity Story). Warsaw, Jednosc. 2007.
Piotrus Pan w czerweini (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Warsaw, Bertelsmann, 2007.
El Reloj de mi Abuelo (My Grandmother’s Clock). Editorial Everest, 2005.
Peter Pan e o Feitiço Vermelho (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Barcarena, Editorial Presenca. 2006.
Puerto Rico
Peter Pan de Rojo Escarlata (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Santillana. 2006.
O Mie Si Una Se Napti Arabe(1001 Arabian Nights). Bucharest, Editura All Fa Publishing, 2002.
Pivestiti din Canterbury (The Canterbury Tales). Bucharest, Editura All Fa Publishing 2003.
Moby Dick. Bucharest, Editura All Fa Publishing House. 2004.
Peter Pan în haină stacojie (Peter Pan In Scarlet). RAO International, 2008.
(Where the World Ends), 2019. Forthcoming.
Moby Dick, Editura Niculescu, Bucuresti. English/Romanian Edition, 2018
(Stop the Train) Meteor Publishing, Suceava. (Forthcoming) 2020.
Питер Пэн в багровых тонах (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Forthcoming.
Петар Пан ин Сцарлет (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Belgrade,Laguna, 2007.
Nije Smak Sveta (Not the End of the World). Belgrade, Laguna, 2008.
Ni Konec Sveta (Not the End of the World). MIŠ, Gorejusa. 2006.
Peter Pan v Škrlatu (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Mladinska Knjiga Zalozba. 2007.
Bela Tema (The White Darkness). Ljubjana, Zolažba, 2008.
El Caballo de Madera (The Wooden Horse). Madrid, Ediciones SM, 1999.
Teseo y El Minotauro (Theseus and the Minotaur). Madrid, Ediciones SM, 1999.
Perseo y La Gorgona Medusa (Perseus and the Gorgon Medusa). Madrid, Ediciones SM, 1999.
Persefone y Las Semillas de la Granada (Persephone and the Pomegranate Seeds). Madrid, Ediciones SM, 1999.
Dedalo e Icaro (Daedalus and Icarus). Madrid, Ediciones SM, 1999.
Los Doce Trabajos de Hercules (The Twelve Labours of Hercules). Madrid, Ediciones SM, 1999.
Las Adventuras de Ulises (The Adventures of Odysseus). Madrid, Ediciones SM, 1999.
Jason y el Vellocino de Oro (Jason and the Golden Fleece). Madrid, Ediciones SM, 1999.
Cuentos de Canterbury (Canterbury Tales). Barcelona, Vicens Vives, 2000.
El Cid. Barcelona, Vicens Vives, 2000.
Diana y Orion (A Shot in the Dark). Madrid, Ediciones SM, 2002.
Las Profecias de la Sibila (Burning the Books). Madrid, Ediciones SM, 2002.
El Viaje de Eneas (The City of Dreams). Madrid, Ediciones SM, 2002.
Romulo y Remo (Romulus and Remus). Madrid, Ediciones SM, 2002.
Cuentos de Amor y Amistad (Love and Friendship). Barcelona, Art Blome, 2002.
El Reloj de mi Abuela (My Grandmother's Clock). Madrid, Editorial Everest, 2003.
Atenea y el Olivo (Athena and the Olive Tree). Madrid, Editiones SM, 2003.
Zeus vence a los Titanes (Zeus conquers the Titans). Madrid, Editiones SM, 2003.
Una Idea Como Una Casa (Six Storey House). Madrid, Alfaguara, 2004.
El Reloj de mi Abuela (My Grandmother’s Clock). Leon, Editorial Everest, 2005.
El Tripulante de Cometas (The Kite Rider). Madrid, Alfaguara, 2005.
No Es El Fin del Mundo (Not the End of the World). Madrid, Alfaguara. 2006.
Peter Pan de Rojo Escarlata (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Madrid, Santanilla, 2006.
Moby Dick. Barcelona, Vicens Vives. 2006.
Blanca Oscuridad (The White Darkness). Madrid, Alfaguara, 2007.
Mites Grieger , (Greek Myths) Madrid, Libros Regalo 2017.
Sri Lanka
ලෝහිත පේතෘස් පෑන් (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Colombo, Samayawardhana. Forthcoming.
Inte Ett Sant Ord (A Pack of Lies). Stockholm, Raben & Sjogren, 1991.
Pirater i Paradiset (Plundering Paradise). Stockholm, Raben & Sjogren, 1999.
Tretton historier om Karlek (Orchard Book of Love and Friendship). Uppsala, Eldmor Forlag, 2001.
Kristians Resa (Pilgrim's Progress). Orebro, Bokforlaget Libris. 2002.
Min Farmors Klocka (My Grandmother's Clock). Stockholm, Eriksson & Lindgren. 2003.
(The Jesse Tree). Stockholm, Libris Media. Forthcoming
Peter Pan Den Röde Piraten (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Malmo, Damm Forlag, 2006.
Det Vita Mörkret (The White Darkness). Malmo, Damm Forlag, 2007.
Inte Hela Världen (Not the End of the World). Stockholm, Wahlstöms, 2008.
Heja Charlie! (Go! Go! Chichico!). Stockholm, Argasso, 2018
Nicht das Ende der Welt (Not the End of the World). Zurich, Nagel & Kimche. 2005.
奶奶的时钟 (My Grandmother’s Clock). Taiwan, Taosheng Publishing. 2006.
鬼话 (A Pack of Lies). Taiwan, Hsiao Lu Publishing Co. 2006.
小飞侠在红字 (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Sino Books. 2006.
白黑暗 (The White Darkness). Harvard Inspired Publishing. 2009.
(Where The World Ends). Taiwan, Rye Fields (Forthcoming).
ไรเดอร์ ว่าว (The Kite Rider). Bangkok, Little Pills Publishing Forthcoming
ไม่สิ้นโลก thev (Not The End of the World). Bangkok, Nanmee Books. Forthcoming.
ปีเตอร์ แพนสีแดง (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Bangkok, Amarin. 2006.
Peter Pan Define Avinda (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Istanbul, Kultur Yayinlari. 2006.
Tuhaf Bír Yaz Tatílí (Forever X). Istanbul, Kultur Yayinlari, 2009.
Dünyanin Sonu Değil (Not The End of the World). Istanbul, Caretta, 2013.
Uçurtma Rider (The Kite Rider). Istanbul, Kultur Yayinlari. Forthcoming.
Treni Durdur (Stop the Train). Istanbul, Kultur Yayinlari. 2018.
Beyaz Darkness (The White Darkness). Istanbul, Kultur Yayinlari. Forthcoming.
Gilgamis Destani (Gilgamesh, The Hero), 2016.
Haydi! Çiçiko! Haydi! (Go! Go! Chichico!) Istanbul, Yapi Credi. 2016.
Oliver Twist, Istanbul, Doǧan Egmont, 2019.
Пітер Пен у багряних тонах (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Ternopil, Navchalna Knyha. 2007.
Peter Pan de Rojo Escarlata (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Montevideo, Santillana. 2006.
Peter Pan de Rojo Escarlata (Peter Pan in Scarlet). Caracas, Santillana. 2006.
Peter Pan Áo Choàng Đó (Peter Pan in Scarlet.) Ha Hoi, Nha Nam. 2006.
Da Was (Good Dog). Cardiff, Camfa, 1994.
Mali Me (Baabra Lamb). Cardiff, Camfa, 1994.
Iarlles (Gregorie Peck). Cardiff, Camfa, 1994.
Glesni (Blue Moo). Cardiff, Camfa, 1994.
Siandri (Cyfres Madfall) (Jalopy). Cardiff, Cymdeithas Lyfrau, 2003.
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